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Tel.: +49 5651 804-0
Fax: +49 5651 13620
E-Mail: info@sahmwinder.com
Website: www.sahmwinder.de

11 Jack Casey Court
Fountain Inn, SC 29644
Tel.: +1 864 297-1900
Fax: +1 864 297-3433
Email: sales@starlingersahm.com
Website: www.starlingersahm.com

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Email: sahmasia@sahmwinder.com
Website: www.sahmwinder.cn
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Mapeko S.R.L. Cerrito 1266 2° P Of. 9 C1010AAZ - Buenos Aires Argentina | Tel.: +54 11 4816-0205 Fax: +54 11 4816-4806 Email: mapeko(at)fibertel.com.ar |
Please get in contact with us directly:
Georg Sahm GmbH & Co. KG Sudetenlandstr. 33 37269 Eschwege Germany | Tel.: +49 5651 804-0 Fax: +49 5651 13620 Email: info(at)sahmwinder.de |
UAB "Modernios technologijos" Ulonu g. 3-5 LT-08223 Vilnius Lithuania | Tel.: +370 6467 8790 Email: info(at)modernios.tech
Covematex BVBA P.P. Rubensstraat 5 8530 Harelbeke Belgium | Tel.: +32 56 714-110 Fax: +32 56 705-144 Email: francois(at)covematex.be
Schmuziger SZG Representações Comerciais LTDA. Rua Princesa Isabel, 94, cj. 31, Brooklin Paulista 04601-000, São Paulo, SP Brazil | Tel.: +55 11 5034-5695 Fax: +55 11 5034-6821 Email: mauricio(at)szgrep.com.br
American Starlinger-Sahm, Inc. 11 Jack Casey Court Fountain Inn, SC 29644 USA | Tel.: +1 864 297-1900 Fax: +1 864 297-3433 Email: sales(at)starlingersahm.com Website: www.starlingersahm.com |
Please get in contact with us directly:
Georg Sahm GmbH & Co. KG Sudetenlandstr. 33 37269 Eschwege Germany | Tel.: +49 5651 804-0 Fax: +49 5651 13620 Email: info(at)sahmwinder.de |
DePros Technology (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd. Room 902, Tower#1, Aoyuan Plaza No. 359 Nanhua Road, Qiaonan Street, Panyu District 511488 Guangzhou China | Tel.: +86 20 3106 8109 Email: Sales(at)DeProsChina.com |
Textima Export Import GmbH Frankfurter Allee 73 10247 Berlin Germany | Tel.: +49 30 24004-0 Fax: +49 30 24004-180 Email: textima(at)textima.de |
Please get in contact with us directly:
Georg Sahm GmbH & Co. KG Sudetenlandstr. 33 37269 Eschwege Germany | Tel.: +49 5651 804-0 Fax: +49 5651 13620 Email: info(at)sahmwinder.de |
EUMATEX GmbH Am Luberg 8 3143 Pyhra Austria | Tel.: +43 2745 2313-0 Fax: +43 2745 2313-6 Email: office(at)eumatex.at |
Please get in contact with us directly:
Georg Sahm GmbH & Co. KG Sudetenlandstr. 33 37269 Eschwege Germany | Tel.: +49 5651 804-0 Fax: +49 5651 13620 Email: info(at)sahmwinder.de |
NICE El Nagah International Commerce & Engineering Co. 178, Omar Loutfy St., Apt. 54 P.O. Box 1471 Alexandria Egypt | Tel.: +20 3 5904-305 Fax: +20 3 5904-110 Email: nice(at)nice-co.com |
UAB "Modernios technologijos" Olonu g. 3-5 LT-08223 Vilnius Lithuania | Tel.: +370 6467 8790 Email: info(at)modermios.tech
UAB "Modernios technologijos" Ulonu g. 3-5 LT-08223 Vilnius Lithuania | Tel.: +370 6467 8790 Email: info(at)modernios.tech
Covematex BVBA P.P. Rubensstraat 5 8530 Harelbeke Belgium | Tel.: +32 56 714-110 Fax: +32 56 705-144 Email: francois(at)covematex.be
Georg Sahm GmbH & Co. KG Sudetenlandstr. 33 37269 Eschwege Germany | Tel.: +49 5651 804-0 Fax: +49 5651 13620 Email: info(at)sahmwinder.de |
Cygnet Texkimp Ltd. Swan House Kimpton Drive off Wincham Lane Northwich, Cheshire CW9 6GG Great Britain | Tel.: +44 1606 338-748 Fax: +44 1606 338-749 Email: Joshua.Ingham(at)cygnet-texkimp.com
CASTELLANOS CONSULTING - Intrl AGENCIES 41 Orpheo Rd 13676 Thrakomakedones ATHENS Greece | Tel.: +30 6948 622-316 Fax: +30 210 2432 053 |
EUMATEX GmbH Am Luberg 8 3143 Pyhra Austria | Tel.: +43 2745 2313-0 Fax: +43 2745 2313-6 Email: office(at)eumatex.at |
MEPL (Mudotia Eximp Pvt. Ltd.) A2-104, Sector 5, First Floor, Rohini New Delhi, 110085 India | Tel.: +91 98102 03729 E-Mail: Ranjita@mudotiaeximp.co.in |
Ostasia Jakarta Pondok Kelapa Indah B2/18 Jakarta 13450 Indonesia | Tel.: +62 21 9317 1355 Fax: +62 21 864 1613 Email: js.jkt(at)ostasia.com |
KERESM CO. Ltd. North Africa Blvd. Tour St. No. 46 2nd Floor, apt. 6 Tehran 1915653915 Iran | Tel.: +98 21 22658032 Fax: +98 21 22658981 Email: yasaman.atai(at)keresmco.com |
Cygnet Texkimp Ltd. Swan House Kimpton Drive off Wincham Lane Northwich, Cheshire CW9 6GG Great Britain | Tel.: +44 1606 338-748 Fax: +44 1606 338-749 Email: Joshua.Ingham(at)cygnet-texkimp.com
Dipl. Ing. M. GUTMARK Ltd. P.O. Box 37 Ramat - Hasharon 47100 Israel | Tel.: +972 3 5400-286 Fax: +972 3 5493-279 Email: info(at)gutmark.com |
SCHWITEX S.R.L. Via Tiziano, 11 20145 Milan (MI) Italy | Tel.: +39 02 4374-93 Fax: +39 02 9443-7081 Email: info(at)schwitex.it |
ITOCHU MACHINE-TECHNOS CORPORATION Ito Bldg. 9th Floor 3-6-14 Minami-Honmachi Chuo-ku Osaka 541-0054 Japan | Tel: +81 6 6282 1113 E-Mail: arimoto-t@itcmt.co.jp
TRAWON Co. #705 (Sungwoo Building), 49 Mapu Daero, Mapu Gu Seoul South Korea | Tel.: +82 70 8721 2964 Fax: +82 2 701 2435 Email: shhan2434(at)hanafos.com |
UAB "Modernios technologijos" Ulonu g. 3-5 LT-08223 Vilnius Lithuania | Tel.: +370 6467 8790 Email: info(at)modernios.tech
UAB "Modernios technologijos" Ulonu g. 3-5 LT-08223 Vilnius Lithuania | Tel.: +370 6467 8790 Email: info(at)modernios.tech
Covematex BVBA P.P. Rubensstraat 5 8530 Harelbeke Belgium | Tel.: +32 56 714-110 Fax: +32 56 705-144 Email: francois(at)covematex.be
HAK Ostasia Engineering (M) Sdn Bhd 26, Jalan P2/5, Seksyen 2, Bandar Tecknologi Kajang 43500 Semenyih, Selangor Darul Ehsan Malaysia | Tel.: +60 3 8724 9880 Fax: +60 3 8724 8890 Email: spareparts(at)ostasia.com |
Alpha-Tex de Mexico, S.A. de C.V. Alfonso Caso 151 Col. Ermita Del. Benito Juárez CP 03590 México, D.F. Mexico | Tel.: +52 55 5563-1313 Fax: +52 55 5563-2222 Email: info(at)alphatex.com.mx
Consulta Expertise et Assistance Technique en Textile 625, Boulevard Mohammed V Casablanca 01 Morocco | Tel.: +212 22 4045-71 Fax: +212 22 2458-94 E-Mail: consulta(at)menara.ma |
Please get in contact with us directly:
Georg Sahm GmbH & Co. KG Sudetenlandstr. 33 37269 Eschwege Germany | Tel.: +49 5651 804-0 Fax: +49 5651 13620 Email: info(at)sahmwinder.de |
Perutecnica S.A.C. Av. Los Castillos 592 Urb. Ind. San Francisco ATE - LIMA 3 Peru | Tel.: +51 1 341-0343 Fax: +51 1 436-6475 Email: perutec(at)perutec.com |
otto kühnen Lódz ul.Wspolna I a lok.63 91 464 Lodz Poland | Tel.: +48 42 2261456
Email: okl(at)kuehnen.com
KUGO REPARA SL Paseo Fernández Vallejo 105E, P1 39300 Torrelavega, Cantabria Spain | Tel.: +34 942 835-040 Email: alex(at)kugorepara.es |
Textima Export Import GmbH Frankfurter Allee 73 10247 Berlin Germany | Tel.: +49 30 24004-0 Fax: +49 30 24004-180 Email: textima(at)textima.de
Ostasia SIN 51 Ubi Ave 1 #05-02 (6B) -Level 6 Paya Ubi Industrial Park Singapore 408933 Singapore | Tel.: +65 6747 5960 Fax: +65 6747 6189 Email: sin(at)ostasia.com |
EUMATEX GmbH Am Luberg 8 3143 Pyhra Austria | Tel.: +43 2745 2313-0 Fax: +43 2745 2313-6 Email: office(at)eumatex.at |
KUGO REPARA SL Paseo Fernández Vallejo 105E, P1 39300 Torrelavega, Cantabria Spain | Tel.: +34 942 835-040 Email: alex(at)kugorepara.es |
Please get in contact with us directly: Georg Sahm GmbH & Co. KG Sudetenlandstr. 33 37269 Eschwege Germany | Tel.: +49 5651 804-0 Fax: +49 5651 13620 Email: info(at)sahmwinder.de
UNIMATECH & CO., LTD. 11th Floor, No. 133, Sec. 2 Keelung Road Taipei Taiwan | Tel.: +886 2 2732-6575 EXT. 21 Fax: +886 2 2738-3828 Email: sam.wu(at)unimatech.tw |
Pack All Plastic Co. Ltd. 126/57-58 Soi Phaholyothin 32 Phaholyothin Road, Senanikhom Chatuchak Bangkok 10900 Thailand | Tel.: +66 2 941-6984 Fax: +66 2 561-1716 Email : kabin(at)packallplastic.co.th |
BLW Visser B.V. Postbus 36 7500 AA Enschede The Netherlands | Tel.: +31 53 431-9661 Email: info(at)blwvisser.nl |
Riplateks Kazanciyokusu 10/2 Davran Apt. 80060 Taksim Istanbul Turkey | Tel.: +90 212 2493-616 Fax: +90 212 2493-616 Email: rizo(at)riplateks.com |
American Starlinger-Sahm, Inc. 11 Jack Casey Court Fountain Inn, SC 29644 USA | Tel.: +1 864 297-1900 Fax: +1 864 297-3433 Email: sales(at)starlingersahm.com Website: www.starlingersahm.com |
Please get in contact with us directly:
Georg Sahm GmbH & Co. KG Sudetenlandstr. 33 37269 Eschwege Germany | Tel.: +49 5651 804-0 Fax: +49 5651 13620 Email: info(at)sahmwinder.de |
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