Jumbo Winders for PAN Precursor Yarns

SAHM 830XE & 840XE

SAHM 830XE & 840XE

SAHM 830XE & 840XE

Jumbo Winders for PAN Precursor Yarns

The Jumbo Winders offer modular design for heavy-weight PAN bobbins.


  • PAN precursor yarns


  • Excellent package quality
  • Modular design for heavy-weight PAN bobbins
  • Alarm management (yarn break, yarn length, package diameter)
  • Electronic input of all winding parmeters


  • Electronically controlled variable winding ratio
  • Central process control unit (HMI touch screen) for input, display and storage of process and machine parameters
  • Speed synchronization with the preceeding process
  • Pneumatic mandrel
  • Doffing timer function
  • Easy doffing spindle (option for 830XE and standard for 840XE)


  • Easy doffing spindle (option for 830XE and standard for 840XE)
  • Suction device for doffing procedure
  • NFC tag technology


Innivative yarn entrance on SAHM Jumbo Winder
Innovative yarn entrance
Patented yarn entrance maintains a constanct angle as package diameter increases to improve the quality of fiber by reducing friction on the yarn guide.
Pneumatic doffer on SAHM Jumbo Winder
Pneumatic doffer
The pneumatic doffer supports wireless comminication with the handling system.
Easy doffing spindle on SAHM Jumbo Winder
Easy doffing spindle
The ball bearing spindle design with homing sensor technology reduces spindle wear and faciliates bobbin doffing.
Ready for Industry 4.0 - SAHM Jumbo Winder
Ready for Industry 4.0
NFC tag technology Remote Support capability Prewarning and alarm system via WiFi and/or SIM network OPC data transfer technology Communication with DCS and robot handling systems

Technical Data

Winding technology Precision cross winding Precision cross winding
Drive Frequency-controlled Frequency-controlled
Frame 1- or 2-tier 1- or 2-tier
Titer 3 to 60 K (others on request) 12 to 60 K (others on request)
Winding speed 50 to 150 m/min for wet spinning,
200 to 550 m/min for air-gap spinning
(others on request)
50 to 150 m/min for wet spinning,
150 to 450 m/min for air-gap spinning
(others on request)
Traverse length 700 mm 800 mm (others on request)
Package diameter Max. 800 mm Max. 1,000 mm
Tube inside diameter 133, 140 and 144 mm (others on request) 190 mm (others on request)
Tube length Max. 750 mm Max. 850 mm
Package weight Max. 300 kg Max. 500 kg

Combination of all maximum values is not possible.


Frame Units
